Thursday, January 10, 2013
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Words by John Barlow - photo by Shapeshift
Monday, December 27, 2010
Less Than Zero

There was a song I heard when I was in Los Angeles by a local group. The song was called "Los Angeles" and the words and images were so harsh and bitter that the song would reverberate in my mind for days. The images, I later found out, were personal and no one I knew shared them. The images I had were of people being driven mad by living in the city. Images of parents who were so hungry and unfulfilled that they ate their own children. Images of people, teenagers my own age, looking up from the asphalt and being blinded by the sun. These images stayed with me even after I left the city. Images so violent and malicious that they seemed to be my only point of reference for a long time afterwards. After I left.
Words by Bret Easton Ellis - photo by Cuba Gallery
Flow of Life
Originally uploaded by Photography is an art...
Events did not flow.
The facts were separate and haphazard and random even as they happened,
episodic, broken, no smooth transitions,
no sense of events unfolding from prior events"
Words by Tim O' Brien - photo by Jonathan Gonzalez
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Jafar Panahi and Mahmoud Rasoulof are two filmmakers of the Iranian independent cinema, a cinema that for the past quarter of a century has served as an essential cultural element in expanding the name of this country across the globe. They belong to an expanded world culture, and are a part of international cinematic culture. I wish for their immediate release from prison knowing that the impossible is possible. My heartfelt wish is that artists no longer be imprisoned in this country because of their art and that the independent and young Iranian cinema no longer faces obstacles, lack of support, attention and prejudice.