I met this bloke on a night bus in London back in the early 00s. He was a universal traveller, one of those braindead types who 'circled the globe for things we haven't tried before'. He took Garland's Beach literally and couldn't stop catalogising every drug he did, where, when, its cost, the side effects. He told me about a stop-over in Pyongyang and the airport security 'morons' that didn't let him sleep in the airport. He slagged off all asian people as he went on about sex in Thailand, pot in a Godforsakentown and all the useless details he thought that would amaze me. As the bus approached Lewisham I couldn't help but thinking that the guy next to me, no matter how many travels he'd made and the people he'd met, he was the most static person I've ever come to meet! It's not the miles you leave behind that matter but the understanding of what you see...
(photo by Yannis Kontos,
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